When I think of fresh, modern design in Newport Beach, Three Salt Design floats to the top. Co-Founders, Lindsay and Alex, have wowed us with their fresh aesthetic before—just take a peek at this Dated Boathouse Transformed To Stunning Waterside Escape. Beauty, right? Their designs evoke a feeling of instant coastal relaxation, which we’ll always welcome. Today, we’re stepping inside their Harbor View project and sitting down with one-half of the design duo, Lindsay, to get an inside look into the workings of their firm.

Tell us about the inception of Three Salt Design. How did you become interior designers and join forces to create the successful business that you have?
Alex and I met as interns and then co-designers at a firm back in 2016. At such a large industry leader, it’s easy to feel like you’ve made it but after a few years of working together, we realized that the design industry is so broad; a vast space for us to create whatever we want. We wanted to creates spaces that reflected our innate style and our desire for real, unique, and functional design. We took a leap of faith and landed on our feet.

What did you do before becoming designers? How did your previous career paths help shape what you do now?
When I left the corporate world and decided to go to school for design, my first creative careers were inset and production design for short films. In between gigs, I did professional organizing, probably mostly as a means to get in people’s homes and get my hands on their things. It created a space for me to understand form and function and how to hustle for your business. When I met Alex, we were interning together and the great thing about having different backgrounds is I was able to watch her fall perfectly into her niche right out of getting a degree. Equally determined and hardworking and with no time to waste. We recognized that familiarity with each other quickly.

If you had to describe your design style like a cocktail, what would it be?
Hmm… a cocktail? Maybe a prosecco with a splash of whiskey. It’s sophisticated, tailored, attractive but gets to the point.

Can you tell us a bit about the home we’re featuring today?
Ahhh, Harbor View. This project was a beautiful labor of love for our New Yorker clients who were returning home to raise their family. They purchased the home unseen and wanted to have it fully furnished before they arrived, so we went into the work of getting to know our clients remotely. They wanted the sleekness of the New York aesthetic they’ve grown to love mixed effortlessly with the easy, breezy, and airy California cool vibe. I think we delivered and the client loved it.

What does your morning ritual look like? What are a few things you do to set the tone before you begin a busy day at TSD?
Usually, it’s a long stretch, shower, and cup of Joe. I’ve got a one-year old that I try not to wake up before meeting Alex at the office, usually beating the sun. We’re a small team, sometimes shockingly so to others, and while we love the intimate collaborations there’s always work to be done. I always say that one day we’ll become people who jog or do yoga in the mornings, but then I get a 4am message from a client who brings me back to reality.

What does a well-lived home mean to you?
A well-lived home is one that works for you. It’s really that simple. The aesthetics and overall form can be manipulated a million times to be stunning or calming or bold with the seasons, but TSD Co. is truly in the business of unique function. At the heart of what we do, we want to put in all of the unique details that make your home YOURS. Maybe you’re not great at picking beautiful things, but you know when you’re sitting after a long day if you want your feet up on an ottoman, or if there’s a glass of wine on a coffee table in front of you. Focusing on your life will always make your home well-lived.

What’s one piece of advice you’d go back and tell yourself in your first few months of business?
There are a million things that we can look back on and consider a different way, but ultimately each decision put us where we are. We operate in a very specific way because of those challenges and I don’t think we’d change those moments for anything.

We’re not a big fan of the term ‘trends’, but we can get behind an appreciation for beautifully enduring design moments. Are there any timeless design elements you’re looking forward to using in your upcoming projects?
Timeless is our thing, so we’re always looking to incorporate themes or elements that will stand the test of time, but will also always reflect our client’s taste. Clean lines, layered textures, and unique bespoke pieces will always be present in the work we do, but you’ll have to keep watching to see what we have up our sleeve!

Do you have any favorite podcasts/books/resources that you’ve discovered during these past few months of change in our world that you recommend?
You know, the past few months haven’t been as eye-opening for us as it has been for a lot of our community. I think one of the best things about being in a partnership like ours, is the healing and empathy that can take place with knowledge. We hope everyone seeks the same. Here are some readings to help: Between the World & Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates and Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin.

What changes have you experienced with running a business during this pandemic and how have you shifted your process to adapt to this new norm?
Thankfully, our industry is seeing some movement during this time. People are starting to see how much more useful their homes can be, and we’ve been able to assist our clients with creating more function in ways they never imagined.

Can you share a few Instagram accounts right now that are fueling your creativity?
@killowenconstruction, because their craftsmanship is unmatched!
Love what you see? Take a peek at the talent behind the story… Interior Design:Three Salt Design · Photography:Chad Mellon