In life and in work Lindsay Salazar brings a strong and unique asset to the table, connection. You can hear it in her words and see it in her work. Whether she’s capturing sweet family scenes or intimate moments in a grand space, you can feel the desire she has to connect to the people and places she photographs. We hope you enjoy these beautiful photos, created with so much care and attention.

We love the mix of family and interior shots that greet us on your homepage. Will you share a bit about the path that led you to become a full-time photographer of people and spaces?
In 2011 I started photographing families but it was more of a hobby than a career at that point. Then, in 2014 I suddenly became a single mom and was now in a position where I needed to financially care for my four young children. Unfortunately, being a hobby photographer wasn’t going to be enough anymore. My sister was an interior designer and she asked me to shoot a few of her projects. To be honest, I fell in love with photographing interiors right away, it felt so natural to me. I didn’t know the ins and outs of shooting homes and all the techniques required, but I did a lot of Google searches, watched a lot of YouTube videos, and quickly learned the basics of shooting homes. I put these early photoshoots on my website and within a few months I was shooting with one of the biggest design firms in Salt Lake City. I attribute my career with interior photography to a lot of hard work and a lot of luck!

Your Instagram account showcases your beautiful work, but it also shares a little peek at your home life with photos of your family and an amazing garden you planted last fall. What personal joys bring energy to your work?
My greatest joy is my family. Everything I do, including photography, is centered around them. My kids are at such fun ages right now with my oldest in high school and my youngest in second grade. I’m trying to savor these years before they start to leave the house! I also find personal joy in planting our garden, going to lunch with friends, and traveling to new spots. The best secret for keeping work enjoyable is to remember “It’s just work”; people are experiences are what bring the real joy!

As I continued to snoop on your Instagram, I had the joy of stumbling upon the behind-the-scenes videos of your interior shoots. What behind-the-scenes knowledge would you have wanted when you were just starting out?
I wish I would have known that people relate much more to the mess behind the magic than they do to a perfectly styled photo. The first time I shared a behind-the-scenes video of a shoot I was shocked at the positive response it got. I think the positive response came because we get tired of seeing perfect houses, I mean who really has a house that looks beautiful all the time? We relate more to the imperfection and so I like to remind people that behind every beautifully photographed room is a great big mess.

What details do you believe make the best photographs? How do you focus on them in your work?
Shooting interiors is unique because the attention to detail has to be spot on and there is a lot of technique involved. Before I shoot a room, I make sure the drapes are even, the pillows are fluffed, the rug is lying flat, the lamp shades are straight, the cords are hidden, etc. Then, when I take the photo, I ensure that the lines are perfectly straight and that the exposure accommodates all of the different lighting scenarios happening in the room. My goal is to make the rooms I’m photographing look warm and inviting. These techniques help me achieve that goal by allowing the viewer to focus on the details of the image and not the distractions.

Is there a piece of advice or mantra you revisit when you’re in need of motivation or inspiration?
I love the quote by Elsie de Wolfe that says “I am going to make everything around me beautiful, that will be my life.” For me, this quote applies to creating beautiful photos, but it also inspires me on a deeper level than just photography. I find an immediate source of inspiration when I look outside of myself and make life more beautiful for those around me by serving them. If I take time to spread beauty each day by helping others, I feel more inspired and that flows over into every aspect of my life.

Your website is a beautiful blend of interiors, families, and even a few newborns. How did you develop your style, and does one type of photography influence the other?
I strive to have my style be one that is filled with light and connection. People often ask me if I prefer to shoot people or homes, and the answer is that I love the variety. I enjoy showing the emotion and connection between families, and at the same time, I love capturing a room that designers have spent months bringing to life. For me, the variety keeps my work fresh because I never get bored of shooting one genre.

As many of us come out of winter hibernation, we reflect on how our home served us over the long chilly seasons. What does a well-lived home mean to you?
To me a well-lived home is a place where family photos are hanging on the wall and last night’s dishes are still in the sink. It’s a place where you can just be. Interestingly, the question I get asked more than any other about my job is if it’s hard to come home to my house after shooting these stunning designer homes. I actually feel the opposite! While these homes are beautiful, they aren’t MY home. They aren’t the place where I can unwind and watch movies with my family. My home isn’t perfectly decorated like these homes I shoot but it’s MY home, and that’s what matters to me.
Love what you see? Take a peek at the talent behind the story… Photographer: Lindsay Salazar · Interior Design for Featured Image: The Fox Group