Quick Designer Tips for a Functional and Beautiful Pantry

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The Haven Workshop is for interior designers and home industry creatives who want to take control of their business strategy. Whether you're just starting out or are well-established, this experience will take your business to the next level.

From JZ Interior Designs… I want to start off by saying that I haven’t always been organized. But after living in a small space where every inch mattered, I feel like I’ve mastered organization. For me, it’s half aesthetics and half function. It has also helped me make sure I only keep what I need on hand and don’t waste space. The pantry is basically open shelves with a door in front. So I like to use the same mentality when I style my kitchen shelves as I do the pantry. That being said, we’re going to make it pretty, but it HAS to be functional! Scroll to read my tips for achieving a beautiful and functional pantry!

Photo: Denise Bovee x AOBF

Start with a deep clean and make 2 piles: one of everyday use and one of single-uses. See if you can eliminate the things that you never use and set a small section for those items that you will use occasionally.

After that, bring in different baskets/canisters to organize your pantry. I find that it’s so easy to push things to the back and forget about them, so I like using clear canisters and baskets so that nothing gets lost and it’s all organized in certain places.

Photo: Denise Bovee x AOBF
  • I use wire baskets for bigger bulk items like paper towels or chip bags
  • I use square baskets for napkins, snacks, or utensils
  • I use the wicker baskets with a curve at the top so I can always see what is inside and organize them by use. In my own home, I have a basket for making my smoothies, a basket for any Italian meals, a basket for coffee items, and a basket for baking. That way, I can pull one out at a time and see what needs replenishment easily.
  • I keep clear bottles on hand to serve to guests which just makes any beverage look a little chicer. I always keep a couple on hand just in case.
Photo: Denise Bovee x AOBF

For tablescapes: I used to like a different pattern for each holiday, but so much of it was going to waste. Now I focus on great neutrals that I can spruce up with florals and accents. I have a handful of vintage linens from flea markets, but a tablecloth like this with coordinating napkins and chargers can go a long way with some imagination and a visit to your local flower mart.

Photo: Denise Bovee x AOBF

I also love to keep a large market bag in the pantry as a catchall or smaller bags or reusable grocery bags.

Photo: Denise Bovee x AOBF

Finish off with some wine, of course, for all your hard work!

Shop the Look

Wood-Lidded Canister · Clear Canisters in assorted sizes · Pantry Baskets · Bottles · Wire Baskets · Baskets for Napkins, Snacks, Utensils · Farmer’s Market Bags · Berry Basket · Egg Tray


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The Haven Workshop is for interior designers and home industry creatives who want to take control of their business strategy. Whether you're just starting out or are well-established, this experience will take your business to the next level.

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