Get ready for the most EPIC home tour ever published here on HAVEN. Yes, that’s a bold statement (and it’s not to downplay any of the beautiful tours in our archives—there are plenty). But this one… oh this one. It has over 170 images of pure design goodness delivered to us by The LifeStyled Company, with the build genius of E&S Builders and Modern Splendor Homes. The Cortez build is a spec home, so the team took full creative freedom to craft an abode with their signature ‘Organic Desert Living’ style and this time with a twist. Scroll to find out as you let Nick Sorensen‘s images permeate your visual sense—and, don’t miss the virtual video tour at the bottom of the post! Psst… this one is begging to be pinned to your home board.

We love your signature ‘Organic Desert Living’ style. Tell us your twist on this project!
Organic Desert Living, our signature aesthetic, is the foundation of and starting point for all of our design projects! We initially started this project with the idea of using NO black anywhere in the design, which if you know us, you know that ODL is equally as high contrast as it is neutral, minimal, modern, and timeless!
We knew that it would be a challenge for us, but we were able to design in a different interpretation of Organic Desert Living, using a lot of warm tones, tons of texture, and a mix of modern and traditional lines. We also chose to go with minimal and simple furnishings in order to let the intentionality of the hardscapes shine!

What was the timeline for this project?
Believe it or not, we actually completed this project from start to finish in 9.5 months! #cortezbuild is the third spec project we’ve worked on with E&S Builders, so we’re very familiar with how each of our teams operates, and what needs to happen in order to make the build and design processes as seamless as possible!

Can you tell us how about the process behind this design/build?
For our spec builds we always like to get the entire design team around a table to pull inspiration, and ultimately design the entire project as a team. We’re constantly sharing ideas with each other, and once we have a clear direction of the vibe for the home, we run with it! The spec process differs from a client project because we’re able to come together with design elements that speak to us personally – whether that be a light fixture, tile spec or cabinet color, we all usually end up with equally represented ideas in the project!

Every room is EPIC, but do you have a favorite?
We would have to pick the Primary Bathroom because there are so many design elements and details that went into the overall scheme! The tub feature wall and shower surround was completely original and inspired by the classic Versailles pattern. We created a custom tile lay, using two different sized tiles from the Bedrosian Tile Cloe collection, to round the jaw-dropping, 60-inch, as big as a dining room table, traditional Japanese soaking tub, and finished the space with arched shower doors!

Take the Virtual Video Tour!
Love what you see? Take a peek at the talent behind the story… Interior Design: The LifeStyled Company · Build: E&S Builders and Modern Splendor Homes · Photography & Video: Nick Sorensen