We made a BIG announcement this week. Our speaker panel for the Spring 2023 Haven Workshop has officially been released and enrollment is open! Our lineup of influential women in the design industry is better than ever and we’re celebrating with a full week of interviews and home tours with our panel experts. Want more? Join us May 17–19th for your opportunity to learn from creatives you admire, in-person, face-to-face, real success, and failure stories shared. We’re pulling back the curtain on how we took our businesses and brands to the next level—and how you can, too. Click here to learn more and enroll.
Meet Kristen Forgione
Kristen Forgione, of THELIFESTYLEDCO™, shares bite-sized brilliance in her interview revealing what to expect at the Haven Workshop and her thoughts on career growth. Kristen’s energy, honesty, and let’s face it, fashion, bring a whirlwind of excitement and education to our workshops and we can’t wait for you to meet her. Keep scrolling to read her flash interview and enjoy a sneak peek of her #DownToEarthProj being featured on the blog this week!

This won’t be the first time you’ll be sharing your insight on Pricing and Client Growth at the Workshop. Which nugget of information makes Workshop attendees’ eyes light up?
Two words… INVESTMENT GUIDE. I’ll tell you all about what that means for you and for your business, along with a Welcome Guide! Get ready to get your sh*t together at the Haven Workshop!

What is one skill you think everyone in the design industry should learn?
Patience… teehee… I mean it’s one I am still trying to learn ten years late. In addition to patience, basic accounting and business 101 concepts to assist in learning how to be profitable!

Have you taken a huge leap of faith at work and did it pay off?
Making the leap from design services only to product/furniture sales, and then on to RETAIL!

Who gave you a piece of advice that changed your career trajectory, and what was it?
“It’s not what happens, it’s what you do about it” – my dad. Things are going to happen, from opportunity knocking to tragedy in your career and it really isn’t what occurred that will change your course but what you do about it and how you choose to handle it!

How do you measure your success?
I truly measure my success based on the success and happiness of those around me. There is no success without the people who make our world go around, from our employees to my personal family and everyone in between.

Join us at the Spring 2023 Haven Workshop to learn more from Kristen and the rest of our incredible lineup. Click here to learn more and enroll.
Like what you see? Take a peek at the talent behind the story… Interior Design: RJ Bialkowski for THELIFESTYLEDCO™ · Photography: Nick Sorensen